Today the Department of Internal Medicine is one of the leading in Ukraine in its profile, due to high personnel qualification, using of innovative approaches in educational works and relevant scientific research. The department trains specialists in the specialty 7.12010001 “General medicine”.
The staff of the Department consists of 2 doctors of medical sciences (MD), professors; 16 candidates of medical sciences (PhD), assistant’s professor; 20 assistants without a scientific degree, 3 graduate students and 5 senior laboratory assistants. The number of staffers is 79% and external part-time workers– 21%.
The high quality of education provided by years of experience and powerful potential of teaching staff of the department. The average teaching experience of staff in high school is near 10 years.
To maintain a high scientific and pedagogical level, staff of the Department annually passes refresher courses, specialization, pre-certification cycles, thematic improvement et al., including pedagogical skills courses and courses on the implementation of innovative Internet technologies and distance learning in educational process.