Educational work of the Department is one of the priority directions of its activity. At the Department conducted teaching of students in 6 subjects in Ukrainian and English languages. Total amount of academic work is 38938 academic hours, of which 272 were allocated for lecture courses and 28614 – for practical, laboratory and seminar classes.
The teaching of students in the Department conducted in accordance with the recommendations of typical programs of subjects, approved The Ministry of Health (MOH) and The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Ukraine and improved within a regulated standards in staff of the Department. The teaching of all disciplines in the department is carried out in accordance with the guidelines and regulations of the Bologna process.
The educational process at the department is carried out using modern multimedia and computer technology, a sufficient amount of visual material with the active involvement of students in the clinical and scientific work of the department, as well as the use of innovative approaches to the educational process (on-line consultation for students, a discussion with students of different issues in voice and text chat, remote control of preparing students for the licensing exam STEP, etc.).
During the process of training activities in the department, students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, which is available to the department: sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes, 12 channel cardiographs to record ECG and check heart rate variability, spirographs, holter daily monitoring of ECG and blood pressure, inhaler, nebulizers, pick-floumetry. Diagnostic equipment of the department is regularly updated with new modern equipment and is held annually metrological control.
Practical exercises are conducted in conditions as close to real. Students and teachers of the department take part in the clinical examination of patients, therapeutic and diagnostic procedures of specific clinical cases, participate in clinical case rounds, symposia, seminars, consultation and have already received at a grade invaluable clinical and practical experience.
Particular attention is paid to the process of learning activities preparing students for the licensing exam test STEP 2, which is carried out with the analysis of tests of all available databases, software that was specifically designed for the medical faculty, computer labs and multimedia equipment, internet system of remote training and supervision the level of knowledge, and full-time online consulting teachers on the preparation for STEP during the whole period of the discipline with a uniform distribution of the test load on students. The effectiveness of training students to STEP exam in the disciplines of the department confirmed by examination, in which the medical faculty annually holds a leading position among the ranking of medical schools of Ukraine.
During training activities the teachers of disciplines select and train the best students to take part in All-Ukrainian Olympiads, competitions, conferences, congresses, etc., in which medical students annually win prizes and certificates and are encouraged with certificates and marks of distinction.